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Photoshop Tutorials

The videos below are in order from basic to more advanced. Watch these first if you need help. Most of these are very short and they cover the information from class.

Watch them in sequence if you are stuck, or read the description below each one to find what you need.

Beginner Tutorials: Start here if you are new to PS.

Get to know your way around Photoshop! Start here if you are not familiar with Photoshop!

How to open, close, and save files in Photoshop. Also discusses the difference between PSD and JPG files.

How to zoom and move around in Photoshop

How to copy an image from one file to another. Do this after resizing each image.

Ready for basic editing? Watch these videos first.

How to find high resolution images. How to resize images. Resolution 300 is for print, 72 is for web.

A tutorial on how Photoshop uses layers during editing. It shows you how to unlock layers, blend them, delete them, and add layer masks. A great video to watch after you learn how to open a document.

Rotating, flipping, and mirroring images in Photoshop

Beyond the basics: Time to create something!

How to use the Type Tool to create text in Photoshop.

How to create a background using a gradient (colors blending into each-other). How to blend a gradient with an image.

A nice tutorial on using the magic wand to remove backgrounds. It will also show you how to clean up green color that is reflected on clothing.

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