8/27/2019: Elements of Art- Scavenger Hunt
Elements of Art: Scavenger Hunt
Elements of Art Scavenger Hunt
Create a Google Doc OR a Pinterest board that includes the following. Use different artworks than your classmates– do not copy people at your table.
Artworks can be paintings, sculptures, drawings, photographs, stained glass, ceramics, or any other medium.
Remember that LINE doesn’t just mean actual lines, but the direction that things are moving or appear to be moving, or the direction in which your eyes move when looking at the artwork. LINE can be real or implied, where it is not actually there but is perceived to be there (two people looking at each other, someone pointing at something
An artwork where most of the LINES are horizontal
An artwork in which most of the LINES are vertical
An artwork in which most of the LINES are diagonal
An artwork in which most of the LINES are spiral
An artwork in which most of the LINES are zigzag
An artwork in which most of the LINES are curved
An artwork that uses implied line
Value does not have be black in white. Value shows up in the tones of an image. Colors have tones ranging from dark to light. When looking for artwork that shows value, think of the range of tones that you see and how much light there is an in image. An image with dark tones will be an image with less light.
An artwork where the values are very dark
An artwork where the values are very light
An artwork where the values have a wide range
An artwork where the values are mostly midtones (the artwork will appear flat, it won’t have many highlights or shadows). It will look a bit monotonous or sad.
An artwork that uses one color to create a variety of values.
Finish egg or re-do egg drawing
Line & Emotion drawings: 8
Notes on Line
Notes on Value with Sphere
Drawing of orange or other object
Finish blended value scale
Finish hatching value scale
Finish cross-hatching value scale
Practice drawing a round object
Practice drawing an egg with value
Stippling Scale

Examples of Value Scales

Elements of a sphere when using value to create a sense of 3D
Tutorial on how to draw an egg using value